sexta-feira, 28 de outubro de 2011

Growing Old.

      Growing Old.

As I grow old I smile and think,
How it all passes in what seems a wink.
The ups, the downs, the laughter and the tears,
Continue to happen despite the years.

Maturity advances and the lessons prevail,
Live life fully, before the body goes stale.
What mattered before, now petty and small,
Life’s serious challenges, at this point, stand tall.

Letting go of the dreams is the hardest part,
It’s like sticking a knife right into your heart.
But the time comes, when enough is enough,
To age gracefully, one has to be tough.

By watching the elderly from day to day,
I can’t help wondering if I’ll be that way?
A profound respect I have come to feel,
Getting old is indeed, an enormous deal!

But let’s end on a happy line,
Let’s make it to a healthy ninety-nine.
Because the alternative I’m not ready for,
Give me life… I want more, more and more!



              Some butterflies came flying by,
               And the world exclaimed “Oh, my!”.
               What dainty creatures these,
               Whom our eyes so often please,
                They colour our lives so,
                As they flutter high and low.
    * This was a little poem written for a presentation with small children (6/7).

quinta-feira, 20 de outubro de 2011

Time Line

Time Line

We are born - life is great,
The doctor though - is not a mate!

Learnt to walk – all is new,
Mum and dad go – Ah! and ooo!

Happiness now we can speak,
All are questions leave them weak!

Here we are at the big, big school,
Trying to show that we are cool!

Now we rock  ´cause we’re thirteen,
The coolest teenagers ever seen!

University – Oh! We’re so bright,
Gown and hat – what a sight!

All grown-up – a job at last,
Earning money - what a blast!

Getting married – a dream come true,
All are friends are marrying too!

Somethings happening – tummy’s mov’in,
Someone inside - is really groov’in!

We are born life is great,
Time for us all  - to CELEBRATE!

  * This poem was included in a presentation by children of 7/8 years old. They mimed the actions in pairs, with a few props. It turned out to be hilarious!  

sábado, 15 de outubro de 2011

Trying to write a poem

Trying to write a poem.

Here I sit trying to make sense of my feelings.
They are such tender and emotional dealings.
I wish I could write what I really want to say,
But inspiration has gone – well, at least for today!

Maybe endeavouring to express myself in a song?
But I have no talent…it would sound all wrong.
A poem is what it’s turning out to be.
A poem which makes no sense to you or to me.
I am putting pen to paper to write,
Senseless words about an inward fight.
A poem with no love, no fairies and nothing witty,
And nothing about up-lifting values or a beautiful city.
I don’t want to write about sadness and tears.
The world is saturated with despair and fears.
So as the beautiful thoughts don’t come,
I’ll just have to sit here and suck my thumb!

sexta-feira, 7 de outubro de 2011



Illusion and heart-ache,
pressure and pain.
Down through the years,
a constant strain!

The same old mistakes,
committed and past.
The time rushes on,
The spell holds fast.

Some are lucky.
Some just learn.
I go trying and wait my turn.

As time runs out,
and the future unfolds,
my dream, once bright – no longer holds.

Alas, time waits for no one,
And no one waits for me.
I’ll get used to having fun,

With only my t.v!