The Meeting.
It was a beautiful morning when he appeared.
A baby bird who could not yet fly.
His beak was so big, his chirp so strong,
That I imagined him to be a baby hawk.
Still surprised by this unexpected meeting,
I watched as he jumped from side to side,
And slowly I approached him.
Suddenly he stopped moving and froze,
Just eyeing me.....
With the intention of catching him, I got even closer. He did n’t try to escape as I thought he would. No, he let me pick him up and hold him in my hands.
I recognised him as a baby “ Bem-te-vi”,*and there and then christened him Beaky.
Intrigued by there being yet another bird in the story of my life, I also named him Messenger and waited for the message to be revealed.
A few days passed and accidently Haleluia! I discovered the message...
Because of it’s song the “Bem-te-vi”, in some countries in Latin America, is also referred to as “Christ- was”.
Hopefully the next time you hear the “Bem-te-vi’s” song you will remember this story and, like me, feel His presence in your life.
Today, I call Beaky “The Messenger of Light”.
And you?
How would you call him?
*"Bem-te-vi"- The Great Kiskadee is a large bird member of the fly catcher family. He can be found from extreme southern Texas all the way south to Argentina. He is named for his exuberant “Bee – tee – wee” call.
This Story was written by Jorge Studart.
* The Christ referred to is Jesus Christ..."Christ was"...who was he?...He was Christ!